Are you rejoining the workforce after being home with your baby? Are you overwhelmed trying to figure out how you’ll continue to breastfeed your baby when you return to work? Take a breath- we’ve got your back!
Whether you are a first-time parent or have been there before, the idea of returning to work after maternity leave can be scary. This is why at Fulfilling Life we understand no parent should walk this journey alone. Our goal is to make what can be an overwhelming transition much smoother.


What’s Included

Some of the issues we will work on include:

. How often should you pump when away from your baby
. How much milk you should leave behind when your away
. What equipment and supplies you will need to pump/express milk when away
. Options for storing your expressed breast milk
. Common issues, concerns, and backup plan
. Tips for making it through your early days back at work when missing baby